Allgemeine Anthroposophische Sektion
Allgemeine Anthroposophische Sektion

General Anthroposophical Section

General Anthroposophical Section at the Goetheanum – School of Spiritual Science

The Section

The General Anthroposophical Section is one of the twelve sections - or faculties- that constitute the School of Spiritual Science, which was founded at the Christmas Conference in 1923 together with the General Anthroposophical Society. 

The central task of the Section is anthroposophy itself, its essence and development - and the the human being as a physical, soul and spiritual being.

House Maryon - Livestreams

The General Anthroposophical Section hosts events, study activities and colloquia at the Edith Maryon.

Lectures in English are streamed live here on a regular basis. The recordings of these lectures can be viewed below.


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Von der Weltlage der Gegenwart und der Gestaltung neuer Hoffnungen
Peter Selg, Rudi Bind
Heilpädagogik oder «Kindereuthanasie»? Karl Königs Auseinandersetzung mit Werner Catel
Peter Selg
Die Gestalt des Menschheitsrepräsentanten und das Evangelium der Erkenntnis
Constanza Kaliks, Claus-Peter Röh, Peter Selg