Leadership of the Section

Constanza Kaliks
Born in 1967 in Chile, Constanza Kaliks grew up and lived mostly in Brazil. Constanza completed her studies of Mathematics in São Paulo, and went on to be mathematics teacher at the Escola Rudolf Steiner in São Paulo for 19 years. There she was also a teacher in the Waldorf Teacher training. Constanza has a Ph.D. in Education with a thesis on Nicolaus of Cuse. She is part of the board of the Goetheanum since 2015. Co-leader of the Pedagogical Section and the General Anthroposophical Section at the Goetheanum.
patricia.sethaler@goetheanum.ch dorothee.prange@goetheanum.ch andrea.keim@goetheanum.ch

Peter Selg
Born in Stuttgart, Germany in 1963. 1986-1993 Study of medicine at the University of Witten/Herdecke, in Berlin and Zurich. Doctoral thesis: "Attempt to systematize Rudolf Steiner's human physiological ideas. An analysis of the entire lectures and written work (Witten/Herdecke 1995). From 1993 until 2000 Further training as a specialist in child and adolescent psychiatry and psychotherapy. Senior physician in the psychiatric department for adolescents and young adults at the Herdecke Community Hospital. From 2000-2002 Research associate at the Institute for Applied Epistemology and Medical Methodology (Freiburg).2002-2006 Head physician at the Ita Wegman Clinic Arlesheim (adolescent psychiatry and psychotherapy); since 2006 establishment and management of the Ita Wegman Institute for Basic Anthroposophical Research. Since 2007 professorship for medical anthropology and ethics at the Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences; teaching in the Studium fundamentale and in the accompanying studies in anthroposophic medicine at the University/Witten-Herdecke. Since 2020, member of the Leadership of the General Anthroposophical Section of the School of Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum.

Nicolas Criblez
Nicolas was born in Lima, and grew up in Peru and Switzerland. He completed his undergraduate studies in Philosophy (BA) and is currently specializing in History of Modern Philosophy and Philosophy of Science (MA). From 2011 to 2014 he studied in the Anthroposophical Studies in English at the Goetheanum with Dr. Virginia Sease, where he also taught courses on Steiner’s Philosophy of Freedom, and history of philosophy from 2016 to 2018. He speaks Spanish, English, French and German. In 2021, Nicolas joined the General Anthroposophical Section’s team.
nicolas.criblez@goetheanum.ch hochschulmitgliedschaft@goetheanum.ch

Andrea De La Cruz
Born in 1989 in Madrid, Spain. Andrea is a coworker at the General Anthroposophical Section and the coordinator of the Studies and Further Education Department at the Goetheanum. She studied Education (M.A.), Waldorf Pedagogy, Theatre Practice (BA) and Community Theatre (BA). Since 2011 she has been active as project manager, researcher and facilitator in adult education, youth work and the cultural industries.

Andrea Keim
Born in South Africa, Andrea spent her school years in South Africa, Sweden, and Switzerland. She is a qualified Waldorf teacher (class teacher) and an English teacher (CELTA). She has been working at the Goetheanum since 2011, specializing in volunteer management (CAS FHNS).
In addition to her work at the Goetheanum, she is also an artist with regular exhibitions.
Since March 2024, she has been working for the General Anthroposophical Section, mostly involved in event planning for the Section.
Email: andrea.keim@goetheanum.ch