Gustav Landauer

Gustav Landauer

25 May 2023 Constanza Kaliks & Peter Selg 460 views

House Maryon Livestream. Peter Selg: Gustav Landauer: The Social Revolutionary (1970-1919) Constanza Kaliks: The question of Education as a Social Question: The Becoming Human Being.

The deeper I return into myself, the more I become part of the world.

Gustav Landauer (1870-1919)

The Jewish writer, linguist, social revolutionary and pacifist Gustav Landauer, a friend of Martin Buber, was one of Germany's most outstanding intellectual figures at the beginning of the 20th century - and was brutally murdered by right-wing nationalist Freikorps soldiers in Munich in May 1919. Not only his ideas and intentions, but also his concrete initiatives for the reformation of society–from the transformative power of the developing individual and in a state-free, self-designing form through small communities– are of extraordinary actuality and touch on Rudolf Steiner's contemporaneous activities in many ways. These two contributions in the lecture series on "Jewish Humanism" deal with the signature of Landauer's being and work - as well as his sympathy for the fate of the Spanish anarchist and reform pedagogue Francisco Ferrer, the founder of the "Escuela Moderna", who was executed in 1909. Similar to Ferrer, Landauer was also convinced that education forms the basis for the social change that can meet the needs of the "becoming human being". Landauer pursued initiatives for social renewal worldwide.